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Advanced data and analytical platform for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Optimize and innovate with our advanced data analytics platform

Managing, analyzing and interpreting data are often challenging tasks for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Without the right tools to analyze and track data, SMEs can miss out on important insights into their business. Our analytical data platform enables you to analyze your business data in detail, identify patterns and trends, and make informed decisions that will save you time, help increase productivity and profitability. The correct use of data opens the door to innovation, process optimization and creating a competitive advantage in the market.

Numerous benefits for small and medium enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Through the data platform for SMEs you can:

● Convert raw data into useful information
● Understand your customers more deeply to adjust business strategies and improve service.
● Identify opportunities for growth and realize competitive advantages.
● Optimize operations to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
● Reduce risks by recognizing threats and taking preventive measures.
● Make quick decisions based on relevant data to achieve better results.

The data platform for SMEs includes:

● Business Intelligence (BI) development and consulting
● Implementation of BI solutions
● Modernization of the data warehouse
● Data warehouse consulting
● Data warehouse modeling
● Data warehouse migration

What is included in the package of 10,000.00 BAM

Duration of service - 1 year.

    • No

    • Service description

    • Unit of measure

    • Amount

    • No

    • No

    • Service description

    • Service description

    • Unit of measure

    • Unit of measure

    • Amount

    • Amount

    • 1

    • Analysis and development of analytical use-case. This process includes the analysis and development of an analytical scenario using the data provided by MSP for that use-case.

      ● 2 MD IT BA/Architect (engineer for business analytics/architect)
      ●  2 MD Developers
      ● 1 MD Tester/system engineer

    • 1

    • 1

    • No

    • 1

    • Service description

    • Analysis and development of analytical use-case. This process includes the analysis and development of an analytical scenario using the data provided by MSP for that use-case.

      ● 2 MD IT BA/Architect (engineer for business analytics/architect)
      ●  2 MD Developers
      ● 1 MD Tester/system engineer

    • Unit of measure

    • 1

    • Amount

    • 1

    • Note

    • The SME needs to develop its business idea and submit it so that we can provide support and help in further development and implementation.

      *VAT is not included in the price

    • No

    • Note

    • Service description

    • The SME needs to develop its business idea and submit it so that we can provide support and help in further development and implementation.

      *VAT is not included in the price

    • Unit of measure

    • Amount

Discover the potential of your data - Try our analytical platform!

Data has become an extremely important resource, and many experts even call it the "oil" of the 21st century. Just as oil powers various industries, so data powers modern organizations. Proper use of data can bring incredible benefits and competitive advantages.

Discover a wide range of other services


Backup as a Service (BaaS) for SMEs


Digital and Sustainable Consulting for SMEs


Advanced Data and Analytics Platform for SMEs


Rapid "Light" Prototyping for SMEs


Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity for SMEs


Secure Hosting of Business Applications for SMEs

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