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Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity as a Service for SMEs.

Risk of Data Loss: How to Handle Disasters?

Incidents such as natural disasters, technical issues, or security threats can halt operations for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and cause significant losses. Many organizations lack the resources, budget, and infrastructure to adequately protect themselves against unforeseen events. Our Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity service offers comprehensive protection and support for businesses facing these challenges. Our expert team will assist you in developing plans and implementing strategies that enable rapid response and recovery of operations following any disaster. This saves time and reduces potential revenue losses.

Numerous benefits for small and medium enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Data loss protection

DRaaS enables small and medium-sized businesses to regularly back up their data and store it in a secure location in the cloud. This ensures that in the event of unplanned outages or catastrophic events, such as cyber-attacks, hardware failures or natural disasters, data can be quickly and efficiently restored.

Maintaining business continuity

DRaaS enables small and medium-sized businesses to have a secondary IT infrastructure ready that can be activated in the event of an outage or data loss. This ensures business continuity and minimizes the impact of such events on the company's productivity and revenues.

Reduction of costs and complexity

Using DRaaS eliminates the need to invest in your own disaster recovery infrastructure. Small and medium-sized businesses no longer need to purchase additional equipment, software or licenses to create backups and manage the recovery process. This leads to cost reduction and simplification of the IT infrastructure.

Fast recovery and automation

DRaaS provides the possibility of fast and automated system recovery. Predefined outage plans enable efficient recovery of data and applications, while simplified testing options ensure that recovery is reliable and compliant with the requirements of small and medium-sized businesses.

What is included in the package of 10,000.00 BAM

Duration of service - 1 year.

    • No

    • Service description

    • Unit of measure

    • Amount

    • No

    • No

    • Service description

    • Service description

    • Unit of measure

    • Unit of measure

    • Amount

    • Amount

    • 1

    • Two applications and two databases whose total size does not exceed 200 GB

    • Virtual machine

    • 4

    • No

    • 1

    • Service description

    • Two applications and two databases whose total size does not exceed 200 GB

    • Unit of measure

    • Virtual machine

    • Amount

    • 4

    • NOTE

    • Migration included
      *VAT is not included in the price

    • No

    • NOTE

    • Service description

    • Migration included
      *VAT is not included in the price

    • Unit of measure

    • Amount


Advantages of disaster recovery and business continuity as a service (DRaS) for manufacturing companies

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Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity for SMEs


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